Pauline Loctin

  • Selected Works

    Chromatic Reflections

    Paper sculptures

  • Biography


    France - Canada ,

    Pauline’s story as a paper sculptor begins long before she was born, in the rich cultural milieu surrounding the Mediterranean, where her roots took on different shapes, colors and forms.

    After a lifetime dedicated to mastering the violin, Pauline Loctin left her native France for Montreal, Quebec, and unexpectedly found herself questioning the path she had so carefully chosen.

    From the age of 6 to 24 years old, Pauline strove to combine the elements of tone, timbre, texture, melody, harmony, rhythm, and form into flawless compositions. Her passion for technique deepened as her ability to produce the precise and desired musical effect grew. And yet, in her quest for perfectionism, she realized that she was not able to fully express herself – her pain, her joy – to its full extent. Something was missing from the elements of composition. Something felt trapped.

    At 30 years old, after realizing that music would no longer be her path, Pauline returned to France for the summer and opened a book on pliage (paper folding) given to her by a friend. She folded paper every day that summer, and has been working with the medium every day since. Through the intricacies of trial and error – cutting, folding and shaping a new medium using new, manual techniques – Pauline unleashed a part of her creativity that had been locked away.

    “Paper healed a lot of the things in my life that I had ignored or suppressed for so long. It helped me to access the parts of my identity and my roots that make up the whole of who I am – that connect me with my heritage, and the story of my family.”

    Pauline works in the abstract and yet her sculptures create a tangible link to the essence of artistry – the process of doing something from scratch, of transforming a one-dimensional plain into multidimensional forms that connect us to a sense of beauty and vitality. For as much as an artist is shaped by her world, so too can she shape, bend and mold her world to speak to unspoken truths, giving way to a deeper appreciation for the coexistence of light and dark, joy and pain – the very fabric of human connection.
    pauline loctin paper art sculptor portrait artist biography

  • Exhibitions